Ive got a one-way ticket to London booked for Jan 15th.
This means I have about 2 months to save up $3000 (the magic travel amount the lets you wander on-the-cheap for a few months until you *cross fingers*, find a job teaching somewhere...). This stresses me out, saving up this kind of cash so quickly, but is also entirely motivating. Im working 2 jobs and living in my friends spare room, so it
should work out.
Then, onward to Morocco where I will be working as an Au Pair for a few months in Rabat, then eventually, to Istanbul to work for the rest of the year, hopefully.
In between i plan to backpack throughout Morocco and see the country i was almost born in. Id like to see Iran in there as well, depending on what flights are available. Maybe even mosy on down to Uzbekistan. Samarkand!! And Maybe back to Syria too...who knows.
No plans, no dramas. ;) Let the road carry me where it wants to.
I'm stoked!