sitting in a little hotboxed room
with the AC on fullblast
high ceilings and concrete floor apartments
watching Sex-and-the-city
while eating homemade coconut curry at midnight
lunar eclipses on the roof
paying 5 dollars for a stale bagel
in an American style cafe just for free wifi
live-wires dangling everywhere
ducking to avoid imminent electrocution
baggy highwaisted pants on kurdish men
glittery hijabs on their wives
machine gunned Peshmerga fighters
and American soldiers in army fatigues
talking about New Orleans
asking what-the-hell im even doing here
with rotting sheep heads on hot sidewalks
and cockroach inhabited toilets
a resident rat in the stove
i say i dont know but at least i have
fake Absolut vodka screwdrivers
mislabeled Spanish wine
dates and figs and tangy cheese for breakfast
(and food poisoned afternoons)
lazing with new friends in parks
reading feminist travel literature
and smoking superslim cigarettes
telling stories of sociopathic exes
we laugh a banshee laugh
into the night
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